
    Meet Billy Elliot: Uichiro Inoue

    Note: Uichiro Inoue’s final show as Billy in the Japanese production of Billy Elliot the Musical (BETM) in Tokyo and Osaka was on November 24, 2024.

    Debut: July 28, 2024 (Tokyo, Japan)

    Total Performances as Billy:  35 (No partial shows) 

    Uichiro Inoue was 14 years old (born July 2010) when he debuted as Billy in the 2024 Japan production of BETM at the Brillia Theatre in Tokyo.

    Both of Uichiro’s parents are ballet dancers, so he has been learning ballet from them since he was just three years old.  He has also studied abroad for a short period of time.  Uichiro’s other interests apart from ballet include playing the piano.

    Ballet competition highlights include placing second at the 2022 Victoires Ballet Competition and placing third at the Pacific International Ballet Competition.

    Talking about how he came to play Billy, Uichiro says: “I was so moved by the video of Billy Elliot that I applied.  I learned new things with everyone at the audition, and I was able to try tap dancing, which I wanted to try, and I had fun and worked hard.  I was so surprised when I was chosen for the role of Billy that I still can’t believe it.
    For me, Billy is a challenge.  I want to dance with all my energy so that I can cheer up the audience.  I will do my best to bring out the emotions well even in the acting that I am trying for the first time, and to do the gymnastics beautifully. I want to practice a lot and become the best Billy who can entertain the audience.”

    At a press event prior to the opening of the production Uichiro performed “Angry Dance”, which shows off his newly acquired tap skills:

    Credit: Video by ホリプロステージ Horipro Stage

    With his debut performance as Billy on 28-Jul-2024, Uichiro becomes the 11th Billy in Japan and the 359th worldwide to perform in a professional, regional or community theatre production of BETM.

    Uichiro Inoue is Billy Elliot

    For more information about Uichiro visit:

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