Note: Laurian’s final show as Billy in the Netherlands production of the show was on 1-Nov-2015.
Debut: 24-Jul-2015 (The Netherlands)
Total Performances: 16 (No partial shows)
Laurian Serno was 13-years-old (D.O.B. = 21-Mar-2002) upon his debut as Billy, the eldest of the six boys who comprise the second group of Billys to star in BETM in the Netherlands. Like fellow Billy Wisse Scheele, Laurian is from Gouda living with his father, mother, sister and his pet chinchillas (named Jari and Lana). His early academic schooling was at St. Aloysius School in Gouda.
Laurian’s early passion was gymnastics and, in fact, his gymnastics trainer, a big fan of Billy Elliot the Musical, thought it was something he should try out for. So, he and a friend auditioned together for the show. Laurian says “I was really nervous at the first audition but then I heard: ‘you’re through into the next round’.”
He got through several other rounds of auditions before being told he would ‘Be Billy’. Laurian says his favorite part of the show is when he gets to do acrobatics, which is a natural extension of his gymnastics training. But he says he’s also come to love Tap and Ballet dancing as well.
Laurian’s debut came on 24-Jul-2015 as he became The Netherlands’ 11th Billy and the 104th boy in the world to professionally play the role.
Laurian says “My biggest dream already came true a little bit because I’m Billy now and that was my dream at first, but later I want to do something (more) with acting.”
In this video (which is in Dutch), Laurian introduces himself.
Credit: Video by Stage Entertainment Nederland
For more information about Laurian, visit:
Billy Elliot the Forum, BETMNL Website, BETMNL Facebook Page
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