Like some of the other data associated with Billy Elliot the Musical, the tracking of which boy has portrayed Billy at any given performance is information in danger of being lost forever if it’s not recorded properly. So again, here at, we are endeavoring to create a historical record of that information so it’s always available to posterity.
Beginning on March 31, 2005, with the first preview performance of Billy Elliot the Musical in London, this article provides a listing of the actors who portrayed Billy for each performance — for all active productions of the musical, by performance date. The charts are formatted by month.
London data prior to January, 2012 is not complete. On the charts, the reader will note blank spaces next to some London performance dates, especially in 2005 and 2009. From the beginning, the data for the West End production was supplied solely by fans of the show who had been in attendance at a performance and graciously took the time to note who had performed at the show they’d just seen. Obviously, that can be a “hit or miss” approach, as there are some shows fans didn’t attend or, if they did attend, they didn’t report who performed.
Readers will note that, beginning with the summer of 2012, London data (and indeed data from all the productions) is pretty much complete due to the diligence of fans who have faithfully supplied the information of which Billy performed at each venue or because the theatre organizations posted who performed in each show.
There are two ways you can look up Billy performances within this article. Click on either:
- total performances by a Billy to date (to see cumulative totals of all current and past Billys).
- by chronological date (to see who portrayed Billy by year, month and day of each performance since 2005).