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Total Performances
This is your place to see cumulative totals information both for boys currently performing the role of Billy Elliot in a professional, regional or community theatre production on stage anywhere in the world or for past Billys who played the role in productions now closed dating back since the original in London.
The cumulative total performances for all Billys performing in BETM shows during the month indicated:
Note: All Shows between January 1 and May 31, 2021 were cancelled due to the Corvid-19 pandemic restrictions, so there are no cummulative total performances charts for the year before June 1.
Cumulative totals for Billys who appeared in past productions of the show, sorted by productions in the area of the world where those productions were presented. Please note that where charts are split into years, a past Billy’s information appears in the year of his last show.
Other European BETM Productions North American Productions