
    Meet Billy Elliot: Auckland Theatre Company (NZ)

    Auckland Theatre Company 

    Billy Biographical Information

    Three young actors all made their debuts in the lead role of Billy in the Auckland Theatre Company production of BETM.  They are Jaxson Cook, Ben Shieff and Harry Sills.

    For the Auckland Billys’ complete profiles, click on their names (below their pictures):

    jaxson-headshot Ben Shieff Thumb harry-sills
    New Zealand’s three Billy Elliots: Ben Shieff, Harry Sills and Jaxson Cook

    To the Auckland Theatre Company Main Page

    To Main Billy Alphabetical Profile Index Article

    To a List of All Billy Elliot The Musical Articles at


    1. Quite an intriguing vision from ATC. It`s the BETM we know and love , yet somehow more modern – judging from their promotional efforts. The theater venue also looks quite hype.

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