
    Meet Billy Elliot: Demián Ferráez

    Note: Demián’s final show as Billy in the Mexican production of Billy Elliot the Musical (BETM) in Mexico City was on October 15, 2017.

    Debut: April 20, 2017 (Mexico City)

    Total Performances as Billy:  31 (No partial shows) 

    Demián Ferráez was 12 years old (D.O.B = 2-Jun-2004) when he debuted as Billy in the Mexican production of BETM.  He is from Mérida.

    Demián’s introduction to dance was actually similar to Billy’s journey.  When he was younger he practiced taekwondo and his dad wanted him to keep doing martial arts, but two years ago Demián was eventually allowed to take up dance.  He now studies dance at Milne Academia de Danzas in Mérida.

    When he first started dancing “many made fun of me”, Demián recalls.  At that time he played in a soccer team but when the other boys learned that he did ballet, they didn’t want him to play anymore, saying that he was no good, even though this wasn’t true.  Other people told him that dance wouldn’t get him anywhere.  “It was very difficult for me,” he remembers.

    Demián at his first BETM audition

    Demián’s first audition for BETM Mexico was in February 2016, which he originally attended “just to know what it feels like.”  This was followed by another audition in March.  One more audition later Demián had won a place at the Billy Elliot School, which was set up to train and audition a group of about 20 potential Billys and Michaels.  

    In November 2016 Demián received the news that he had been cast as one of the first five Billys in the new Mexican production.

    Demián is very excited to be playing Billy Elliot since he is a fan of the original film.  “It’s one of my favorite movies, I’ve seen it four times, and the musical nine.”

    Demián Ferráez (right) dancing with fellow Billy Mauricio Arriaga (left) at the media event in January 2017 to present the Billys to the press

    When asked what it is like when he is dancing Demián replied, “I forget what goes on outside and it’s just me and I enjoy it so much! It’s a way of expressing myself. Something very exciting that can not be explained.”

    Demián’s first performance as Billy was on 20-Apr-2017, and with his debut he became the 192nd actor worldwide to play the role.

    Demián Ferráez is Billy Elliot

    For more information about Demián visit:

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