
    Meet Billy Elliot: Helsinki, Finland

    helsinki-city-theatre-interiorA production of Billy Elliot The Musical took place at the Helsinki City Theatre in Helsinki, Finland, from August 25-December 17, 2015.

    A large cast of local talent was led by three boys new to the role of Billy: Henrik Björklund, Amos Brotherus, and Lassi Hivonen.

    The Finland Production (2015) The Helsinki Billys (l-r
    The Finland Billys:  (l-r Henrik Björklund, Amos Brotherus, and Lassi Hivonen)

    To learn more about Finland’s Billys, click on the Billy Profiles button (below) to be taken to their detailed profiles. 
    billy profiles

    To see a complete listing of the rest of the Helsinki City Theatre cast, just click on the Cast Information button.

    cast info


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