
    Meet Billy Elliot: Hyun-seo Sim

    Note: Hyun-seo Sim’s final show as Billy in Billy Elliot the Musical (BETM) in Seoul, South Korea, at the D-Cube Arts Center, was on May 7, 2018.

    Debut: December 1, 2017 (Seoul, South Korea)

    Total Performances as Billy:  39  (No partial shows)

    Hyun-seo Sim was 10 years old (D.O.B = 23-Feb-2007) when he debuted as Billy Elliot in the second South Korean production of BETM at the D-Cube Arts Center in Seoul.

    He is an experienced dancer, having started ballet when he was only six years old.  Just like the character he will play, Hyun-seo has experienced people telling him that ballet is not for boys.  However, unlike Billy, his father has always been very supportive of his dancing.  

    Hyun-seo Sim rehearsing “Electricity”

    Talking about the audition process and the training to play Billy, Hyun-Seo said, “It was my first-ever audition for a musical and I was excited and nervous at the same time.  As I became familiar with the other boys, the training got more interesting.  We practiced about six hours a day, learning jazz dance, acrobatics, tap dance, vocal, street dance and many more.”

    Here’s Hyun-seo performing Solidarity with the BETM Seoul company at an open rehearsal. This video shows off Hyun-seo’s excellent ballet skills:

    Credit: Video by PlayDB

    Hyun-seo’s debut as Billy Elliot on 1-Dec-2017 makes him the 232nd actor worldwide to play the role in a professional, regional or community theatre production of the musical.

    For more information about Hyun-seo visit:

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