    HomeBilly Elliot The MusicalMeet Billy Elliot: Jefferson Performing Arts (Metairie, LA)

    Meet Billy Elliot: Jefferson Performing Arts (Metairie, LA)


    Jefferson Performing Arts Center

    Billy Biographical Information

    Charlie Stover, who has extensive performing experience both on stage and behind the camera, will lead a 43 member cast.

    For Charlie’s complete profile, click on his name (below his picture):



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    To The Main Billy Alphabetical Profile Index Article

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    Must Read

    Meet Billy Elliot: Alphabetical Profile Index

    An alphabetical index of the boys who have played Billy Elliot professionally, world-wide, since March 2005 with links to a detailed profile of each.

    Meet Billy Elliot: Charlie Stover

    Charlie Stover debuts as Billy in Billy Elliot the Musical in Metairie, Louisiana, presented by Jefferson Performing Arts (JPA), from March 28 -April 6, 2025.

    Meet Billy Elliot: Jarrett Bruno

    Jarrett Bruno debuts as Billy Elliot in the Antrim Playhouse production of Billy Elliot The Musical in Tappan, New York.

    Meet Billy Elliot: Antrim Playhouse (Tappan, NY)

    The Antrim Players will present Billy Elliot The Musical from March 21 to April 13, 2025 at the New Antrim Playhouse in Tappan, New York.

    Meet Billy Elliot: George Boyle

    George Boyle debuts as Billy in Billy Elliot the Musical in Launceston in Tasmania, presented by The Encore Theatre Company, from March 13-29, 2025.