Note: Kalle Lorenz’s final show as Billy in Billy Elliot the Musical (BETM) in Vaasa, Finland, was on May 11, 2018.
Debut: September 15, 2017 (Vaasa, Finland)
Total Performances as Billy: 20 (No partial shows)
Kalle Lorenz was 14 years old upon his debut performance as Billy Elliot in Vaasa, Finland. Kalle clearly comes from a talented family as his younger brother, Silas, is also one of the three Billys in Vaasa. Both Kalle and Silas are home-schooled.
Kalle is the only one of the three boys who were chosen to play Billy in Vaasa that had previous dance experience. He had taken ballet lessons at Kuala-opisto, which is a performing arts school in Vaasa.
Since finding out that he would play Billy Kalle has been attending “Billy School” with the other two Billys. Here he has improved his ballet, and trained in other dance styles such as tap and jazz, and also studied acting and singing.
Throughout the rehearsal process Kalle has found it useful that he is home-schooled as it means that his schedule is more flexible, and his schoolwork can fit around rehearsals for the show.
Kalle’s first performance as Billy Elliot on 15-Sep-2017 makes him the 216th actor in the world to play the role in a professional, regional or community theatre production of the show.

Credit: Production photos in this article are by Linus Lindholm
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