
    Meet Billy Elliot: Lakeville Area Arts Center (MN)

    Children’s Castle Theater 

    Billy Biographical Information

    Gavin Nienaber, new to the role of Billy Elliot, but with a vast amount of previous theatrical experience for one so young, led a large cast of local talent in the Children’s Castle Theater production of BETM.

    For Gavin’s complete profile, click on his name (below his picture):


    The week before Billy Elliot The Musical opened in Lakeville, Gavin appeared with Kayla Yaeger, Executive Director of Children’s Castle Theater on local TV station Fox9 to talk about the production. There is also footage in the video of Gavin with Meg Krekler (Mrs. Wilkinson) and Jakob Gomez (Mr. Braithwaite) performing a couple of scenes from the show:

    Credit: Video by Tammy Nienaber


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