Note: Ollie’s last show as Billy in the West End (London) production of the show was the evening of 14-Nov-2015.
Debut: July 14, 2014 (London)
Total Performances as Billy: 138.2 (Includes 4 partial shows credited @.5 ea and the 10th Anniversary show credited at .2)
When 12-year-old Ollie Jochim from Chelmsford in Essex debuted on 14-Jul-2014, he became the 38th Billy to begin his performance career on the London stage and the 75th boy worldwide to play the role.
At the age of nine, Ollie began taking dance lessons at at the Essex Dance Theatre in Chelmsford. There founder Debbie Holme and other teachers led Ollie in classes ranging from ballet to tap to modern dance. As he got older, he joined the school’s performing group where he has gotten experience dancing and performing to live audiences. About a year after beginning formal dance training, Ollie’s mum took him to see Billy Elliot The Musical at the Victoria Palace Theatre to celebrate his 10th birthday. And, as Ollie relates it was love at first sight. He says “when I saw it I knew I would love to be Billy”.
So after several auditions, during which he was invited to attend the Billy Summer School, he was awarded the role and began the final training period that has lead up to his July 14th debut.
Here’s the official BETMUK film clip introducing Ollie as Billy:
Credit: Video by Billy Elliot The Musical UK
When asked what his favorite part of the show Ollie related ““My favourite part is probably Electricity (Billy’s tryout for the Royal Ballet School) as you get to show off all your skills. It’s also fun because while it’s technically very hard, you get a lot of adrenaline through it.”
As Ollie says “I was so overjoyed when I found out I got the part and now I am living my dream.”
Once again, in June of 2015, Billy Elliot The Musical took part in the annual West End Live event at Cardinal Place. Ollie was chosen to represent BETM and here’s his performance:
Credit: Video by MYSTiiC KiiNG

Credit: Photo by BillyElliotUK
Ollie completed his Billy journey at the evening show on 14-Nov-2015 after playing the title role 138.2 times (see detail at the top of this profile) and 16 months to the day from when he debuted.
For more information on Ollie Jochim visit:
Billy Elliot the Forum, Ollie Jochim Facebook Appreciation Society
Credit: Production photos in this profile are by Alastair Muir