
    Meet Billy Elliot: Quim Font

    Note: Quim Font’s final performance as Billy in Billy Elliot the Musical (BETM) at the Teatre Sala Cabanyes in Mataró, Spain was on April 28, 2019.

    Debut: March 4, 2018 (Mataró, Spain)

    Total Performances as Billy:  10 (No partial shows) 

    Quim Font was 12 years old (D.O.B = 23-Jan-2006) when he debuted as Billy Elliot in the Sala Cabanyes production of BETM in Mataró, Spain.

    Quim auditioned for BETM in October 2016 and was initially chosen as one of two actors who would share the role of Michael.  However, after some more training it was decided that Quim would also share the lead role of Billy.

    Quim Font (Billy) rehearses the letter scene with Mercè Bellido (Mrs Wilkinson)

    Since that first audition Quim has undergone a year and a half of training and rehearsals in order to prepare to play these two demanding roles.  During that time he has performed at a couple of events to promote the show, including performing ‘The Letter’ on a Spanish TV programme.

    With his debut performance as Billy on 4-Mar-2018, Quim becomes the 238th actor in the world to play the role in a professional, regional or community theatre production of the musical.

    BETM will be performed again in Mataró in 2019.  Quim will return to play Billy once again, with performances from Mar 30 to Apr 14, 2019.

    For more information about Quim visit:

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