Note: Sammy’s final show as Billy in the Netherlands production of the show was on 7-Nov-2015.
Debut: 26-Jun-2015 (The Netherlands)
Total Performances: 18 (No partial shows)
Sammy Kuit was 11-years-old (D.O.B. = 17-Mar-2004) upon his debut as Billy and is from Arnhem, a city and municipality, situated in the eastern part of the Netherlands. It is the capital of the province of Gelderland and located on both banks of the river Nederrijn.
Sammy lives in Arnhem with his brother, Julian, his sisters Ella and Laetitia, and his parents. He got the idea for doing the audition when his father saw a poster at his dance school and he thought: “Oh, he (Sammy) could audition for it”.
Sammy had begun dancing at four, starting with “Michael Jackson dancing”. When he was six, he “graduated”to other forms of dancing before auditioning for Billy. Sammy related that he heard that he was to become Billy when he was at home with his family when he received a telephone call informing him of his selection.
And then the training began as he attended, along with other newly selected Billys and other young cast members to be — Billy sCOOL where, among other things he learned and practiced the acrobatic skills he’d need to play Billy. In the video clip, Sammy shows off his agility:
Credit: Video by Sammy Kuit
He says, “I like everything about Billy. I like doing Kippenvel (Electricty). And I like being on stage with Pia Douwes because she’s very good at musical thingies and she’s very nice.”
Here’s Sammy introducing himself. It’s in Dutch. But for those who don’t speak the language you can get a feel for his personality and also see some brief clips of Sammy preparing for the role.
Credit: Video by Stage Entertainment Nederland
Sammy became the first of the second cast of Billys in The Netherlands production of BETM when he debuted on 26-Jun-2015. He is the 98th boy in the world to play the role professionally.
For more information on Sammy visit:
Billy Elliot the Forum, BETMNL Website, BETMNL Facebook Page
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