
    Meet Billy Elliot: Seamus Whyte

    Note: Seamus’s final performance as Billy was in the Grandstreet Theatre production of Billy Elliot the Musical (BETM), on May 15, 2016.

    Debut: April 29, 2016 (Grandstreet Theatre, Helena, MT)  

    Total Performances as Billy:  12 (No partial shows) 

    Seamus Whyte ThumbSeamus Whyte was 13-years-old when he debuted as Billy Elliot at the Grandstreet Theatre. He is from Helena, Montana and is a student at the C.R. Anderson Middle School. 

    Seamus started studying acting at the Grandstreet Theatre School when he was only five-years-old, and was clearly a natural actor as soon after that he performed as Tiny Tim in the Carroll College Theatre’s production of A Christmas Carol. He then went on to star as Peter in the Helena Symphony’s production of Peter and the Wolf, and as Samuel Barber in Rhapsody in Red, White, and Blue.

    Seamus in The Wizard of Oz ResizeAs for dance training, Seamus has been taught by Blair Bybee at the Grandstreet Theatre School, and by Campbell Midgley and Josh Deininger at the Queen City Ballet. He has also had the opportunity to show off his dance skills by performing in several roles in the Queen City Ballet’s The Nutcracker.

    BETM isn’t the first production at the Grandstreet Theatre that Seamus has performed in. He has also been in The Adventures of Flat Stanley, Little Mermaid Jr. and played Niko, the lead flying monkey, in The Wizard of Oz (pictured on the right with his older brother, Connor, who played the part of the Tin Man).

    Seamus started his Billy journey when he attended open auditions at the Grandstreet Theatre, which were held between 15th and 19th of February. He was then chosen to play Seamus Whyte (resize)the lead role. His father, Dan, was also cast in the show and will be playing one of the miners.

    Rehearsals started soon afterwards, on 21st February. Since then Seamus has been working very hard to prepare for this most challenging role, with choreography rehearsals most days after school from 3.30pm to 5.30pm, and then full cast rehearsals five days a week from 6.30pm to 9.30pm

    When Seamus steps on stage to make his debut on Friday, 29-Apr-2016, he will be the 130th Billy worldwide to play the role to date in a non school/youth production.

    For more information about Seamus visit:

    Billy Elliot the Forum


    Billy (Seamus Whyte) and the Ballet Girls
    Billy (Seamus Whyte) and the Ballet Girls

    Credit: Photo by Kurt Keller

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