Note: Sölvi’s final show as Billy in the Iceland production of the show at the Reykjavik City Theatre was on 13-Feb-2016.
Debut: 4-Mar-2015 (Rekjavik)
Total Performances as Billy: 41 (no partial shows)
Sölvi Viggósson Dýrfjörð was 13-years-old (D.O.B. = 11-Sep-2001) upon his debut as Billy and is from Þorlákshöfn, which is a town on the southern coast of Iceland.
Sölvi got interested in dance when his talent in movement was first noticed at his elementary school in Þorlákshöfn by Anna Berglind. She encouraged him to pursue it more intensely, which he did — first at Dansskóli Reykjavíkur (Reykjavik Dance School) and later at Dansíþróttafélagi Hafnarfjarðar (Hafnarfjarðar Dance Arts).

Sölvi’s talents also include academics. He recently participated in a reading contest where students read from a novel and were awarded prizes. He also enjoys writing poetry. In his pre-Billy days, he has studied dancing, singing and violin.
A very athletic boy, Sölvi has studied and played gymnastics, football, basketball, track and field.
Sölvi was chosen to perform the role of Billy in the first preview in Iceland, on 4-Mar-2015 and in the show’s official Opening Night (Premiere) on 6-Mar-2015.

For more information about Sölvi visit: