Like some of the other data associated with Billy Elliot the Musical, the tracking of which boy has portrayed Billy at any given performance is information in danger of being lost forever if it’s not recorded properly. So again, here at, we are endeavoring to create a historical record of that information so it’s always available to posterity.
Beginning on March 31, 2005, with the first preview performance of Billy Elliot the Musical in London, this article provides a listing of the actors who portrayed Billy for each performance — for all active productions of the musical, by performance date. The charts are formatted by month.
London data prior to January, 2012 is not complete. On the charts, the reader will note blank spaces next to some London performance dates, especially in 2005 and 2009. From the beginning, the data for the West End production has been supplied solely by fans of the show who have been in attendance at a performance and have graciously taken the time to note who had performed at the show they’d just seen. Obviously, that can be a “hit or miss” approach, as there are some shows fans didn’t attend or, if they did attend, they didn’t report who performed.
Readers will note that, beginning with the summer of 2012, London data (and indeed data from all the productions) is pretty much complete due to the diligence of fans who have faithfully supplied the information of which Billy performed at each venue.
Note: Each of the tabs, below, represents one year of shows. The charts encompass combined data from all productions of BETM that were running in each month. To access the information, click first on the appropriate year’s tab and then on the thumbnail of the month you desire.
Note: The Billys are listed on the charts by first name only. A complete list of the Billys is located here.
The Billys of Madrid with some of the adult cast. Billys l-r: Diego Rey, Cristian López, Óscar Pérez, Miguel Millán, Pau Gimeno and Pablo Bravo -
The child cast of the UK & Ireland/Hamburg Tour of BETM after the special finale at the closing show of the tour in Hamburg. (Billys l-r: Haydn May, Emile Gooding, Adam Abbou, Lewis Smallman) -
Among other happenings in the BETM world, 2016 is the year that the original production of the show came to an end. April 9th was the final show at the Victoria Palace Theatre in London. February also marked the beginning of the first ever UK/Ireland Tour production in Plymouth, England. The Tour was initially booked into 10 venues around the UK and in Dublin, Ireland. The Tour Billys’ performances are being recorded here also.
Here is the information for all the Billys who appeared in the various productions of the show this year:
Final Curtain Call in London The Curtain Call at the Opening Night show of the UK/Ireland Tour in Plymouth -
After almost exactly one year and 323 performances, Billy in The Netherlands closed on 7-Nov-2015. All 12 Billys who had starred in the show there performed in a special mashup at the end of the final show. -
The Six Originating Billys for BETM The Netherlands (l-r Svenno van Kleij, Jillis Roshanali, Tydo Korver, Stijn van der Plas, Roan Pronk and Carlos Puts) -
Final Cast Picture From The North American Tour -
BETM Broadway’s Final Four Billys (l-r Peter Mazurowski, Joseph Harrington, Julian Elia and Tade Biesinger) -
The 5 Billys of Seoul, South Korea -
The Six BETM Chicago Billys (l-r J.P. Viernes, Marcus Pei, Myles Erlick, Tommy Batchelor, Giuseppe Bausilio and Cesar Corrales) -
Broadway Billys David Alvarez, Kiril Kulish and Trent Kowalik at the 2009 Tony Awards at which they jointly won the Best Actor in a Musical Award -
BETM Opens on Broadway (Kiril Kulish, David Alvarez and Trent Kowalik) -
Opening night in Sydney, Australia. Left to right Rhys Kosakowski, Nick Twiney, Elton John, Lochlan Denholm, Rarmian Newton, David Furnish. -
Original London Billys win a joint 2006 Olivier Award for Best Actor in a Musical (l-r: James Lomas, George Maguire and Liam Mower) -
London’s 3 Original Billys (l-r James Lomas, George Maguire and Liam Mower) -
The cumulative total performances for all Billys performing in BETM shows during the month indicated:
Cumulative totals for Billys who appeared in past productions of the show, sorted by productions in the area of the world where those productions were presented. Please note that where charts are split into years, a past Billy’s information appears in the year of his last show.
Other European BETM Productions North American Productions