
    Meet Billy Elliot: Diamond Head Theatre (Honolulu, HI)

    Diamond Head Theatre 

    Cast Information

    Thirteen-year-old Aaron Ostroff led a cast of 35 in this production of Billy Elliot The Musical.


    Billy (Aaron Ostroff), George (Bevo Biven) and Michael (Matias 'Mati' Durkin)
    Billy (Aaron Ostroff), George (Bevo Biven) and Michael (Matias ‘Mati’ Durkin)

    Mrs. Wilkinson (Ahyna Chang), Billy (Aaron Ostroff) and the Ballet Girls
    Mrs. Wilkinson (Ahyna Chang), Billy (Aaron Ostroff) and the Ballet Girls

    The Diamond Head Theatre Cast of BETM
    The Diamond Head Theatre Cast of BETM

    Note: Most photos in this article by Brad Goda. 

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