Billy Elliot the Musical: Tracking the Billys
This article provides a listing of the actors who portrayed Billy for all past and current productions of the musical, by performance date.
When Did the Billys Debut?
This article contains a comprehensive listing, by debut date, for each of the young actors who have portrayed Billy Elliot on stage in all productions of the show worldwide.
Billy Elliot the Musical at
On these pages is detailed information about Billy Elliot the Musical (BETM), contained in three main sections: Current Billy Productions, Profiles of the Billys, and Billy Reference Information.
Billy Elliot Dances Around the World
A compilation of information on all past, current and announced future productions of BETM in an at-a-glance format.
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Meet Billy Elliot: Alphabetical Profile Index
An alphabetical index of the boys who have played Billy Elliot professionally, world-wide, since March 2005 with links to a detailed profile of each.
Meet Billy Elliot: Joplin, MO
Joplin Little Theatre in Joplin, Missouri, presents a production of Billy Elliot the Musical from August 7-11, 2024.
Meet Billy Elliot: Kellan Atchley
Kellan Atchley debuts as Billy in Billy Elliot the Musical in Joplin, Missouri, presented by the Joplin Little Theatre, from August 7-11, 2024.
Meet Billy Elliot: Euan Garrett
Euan Garrett is the 42nd actor to play the title role in Billy Elliot the Musical in London. Globally, he's the 115th boy to do so.