A regional production of Billy Elliot The Musical (BETM) was presented at the Marblehead Little Theatre (MLT) in Marblehead, Massachusetts from June 24 to July 3, 2016.
Founded in 1956, Marblehead Little Theatre is one of the oldest continually operating community theatres in the United States. After presenting its productions over the first few decades in a variety of auditoriums in town (including school auditoriums), during the 1990s MLT’s major project was to obtain a home of its own to stage small productions, conduct workshops, and provide space to store and build sets, to rehearse, as well as store props and costumes. This search culminated in the Fall of 1999 when the Marblehead Board of Selectmen awarded the School Street Firehouse to Marblehead Little Theatre.
At Marblehead Little Theatre, the facility’s black box theatre will provide the most intimate setting to date for a production of BETM. The theatre will accommodate just 92 patrons at each of its 10 performances.
The part of Billy was shared by two novices to the title role: Christopher Renaud and Miles Tardy.
To learn more about the Marblehead Billys, click on the Billy Profiles button (below) to be taken to their detailed profiles.
To see a complete listing of the rest of the Marblehead Little Theatre cast, just click on the Cast Information button.
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