
    Meet Billy Elliot: Playhouse on the Square (Memphis, TN)

    Playhouse on the Square
    The 347 seat Playhouse on the Square

    Playhouse on the Square in Memphis, TN presented a regional production of Billy Elliot The Musical (BETM) August 14 through September 6, 2015, with a preview by invitation only on August 13th.

    The cast was led by a young actor who was new to the role of Billy, but with much dance and stage experience – Benjamin Cheng, a local boy from the Memphis area.

    In the days just before the show opened in Memphis, this promotional video was produced:

    Credit: Video by playhouseonthesquare

    To learn more about Benjamin Cheng, click on the Billy Profiles button (below) to be taken to his detailed profile. 
    billy profiles

    To see a complete listing of the rest of the Playhouse on the Square cast, just click on the Cast Information button.

    cast info


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