Meet Billy Elliot: Royal MTC (Winnipeg)

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manitoba-theatre-centreA regional production of Billy Elliot the Musical (BETM) will be presented from January 12 to February 6, 2016 in the John Hirsch Mainstage Theatre at the Royal Manitoba Theatre Centre (MTC), Winnipeg, in the province of Manitoba, Canada. The show opens in previews on January 12 & 13, 2016, with an official Opening Night on 14-Jan-2016.

The cast of the show there will be led by two young Ontario dancers who will both debut in the role of Billy in Winnipeg.  They are Ethan Ribeiro and Eamon Stocks.  In the months before the cast even began formal rehearsals for the show, Ethan and Eamon traveled from their homes in Ontario to Winnipeg. Their destination: The Royal Winnipeg Ballet School. Once there they began three months of dance training specific to the role of Billy.

Winnipeg’s Shaw TV visited with the boys just before the show opened in January, 2016:

Credit: Video by Shaw TV Winnipeg

To learn more about Ethan and Eamon, click on the Billy Profiles button (below) to be taken to their detailed profiles. billy profiles

To see a complete listing of the rest of the Winnipeg cast, just click on the Cast Information button.

cast info

Just before the show opened in January, the Winnipeg Free Press did a video as a preview.  In addition to interviews of cast members and the theatre’s artistic director, dress rehearsal footage is included.

Credit: Video by WinnipegFreePress

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