
    Meet Billy Elliot: Simone Romualdi

    Note: Simone’s final appearance as Billy, at the Il Sistina Teatro in Rome, was on May 21, 2015

    Debut: May 12, 2015

    Performances To Date: 5 (through 31-May-2015)   (no partial shows)

    Simone Romauldi ThumbSimone Romualdi was born in Rome, on June 13, 2003, making him 11 years of age on 12-May-2015 as the 97th actor to professionally debut in the role world-wide.

    He began privately studying modern dance with teacher Monica Donati at age 8 and has continued studying ballet since then with her, while also attending musical theatre classes directed by Maura Ippoliti and Cristiano Leopardi.

    During his studies in this school, he has participated in three shows, which have included roles that demanded dance, singing and acting skills:

    • The Little Mermaid at the Teatro Aprilia in the role of Scuttle, the seagull. The role required Modern dance, singing and acting.
    •  The Illegal Immigrants of Notre Dame at the Teatro Brancaccio – Classical and modern dance
    • Sleeping Beauty at the Teatro Orione in the role of young Prince Philip – Ballet, Modern dance, singing and acting. 

    In June of 2014, Simone auditioned to enter the National Academy of Dance. He was successful and currently attends that school.

    Here are some scenes featuring Simone as Billy:

    Credit: Video by Teatro Sistina

    For more information about Simone visit:

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