The Arts Club Theatre Company of Vancouver, British Columbia presented a regional production of Billy Elliot The Musical (BETM) on the Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage, originally announced to run from May 12 to July 10, 2016. The latest in a series of productions of BETM which is being presented in an intimate setting, the Stanley Industrial Alliance theatre seats 650 patrons.
Note: On June 21st, it was announced that, due to the success of the show at Arts Club with many of the shows sold out, the production had been extended with tickets on sale for eight additional shows — through July 17, 2016.
The Arts Club Theatre Company is the largest theatre company in Western Canada. Each year, over a quarter of a million people experience the best in professional theatre at its three venues: the Stanley Industrial Alliance Stage, Granville Island Stage, and Revue Stage. It also expands its audiences outside Vancouver through a three-show mini-season tour presented at venues around British Columbia.
The Arts Club presentation of BETM was led by a young actor debuting in the role of Billy. He is Nolan Fahey and he did the majority of shows in the role.
In June of 2016, Canada’s NovusTV did an interview with Nolan Fahey (Billy) and Matthew Cluff (Older Billy). This video of that interview also contains some wonderful footage from the show itself:
Credit: Video by NovusTV
The production’s Michael Caffrey, Valin Shinyei, was also the Billy understudy. He occasionally performed as Billy as well. To learn more about both boys, click on the Billy Profiles button below.
To see a complete listing of the rest of the Arts Club Theatre cast, just click on the Cast Information button.
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