Arts Club Theatre Company

Cast Information

The Arts Club Theatre’s cast was led by a neophyte Billy — Nolan Fahey. Interestingly, this production was presented with the smallest cast in recent memory for a BETM production (and maybe smallest cast ever) — just 20 cast members. That’s fewer than half the number in most productions of the show.

Michael (Valin Shinyei) and Billy (Nolan Fahey) Express Themselves
Michael (Valin Shinyei) and Billy (Nolan Fahey) Express Themselves
Warren Kimmel (Dad), Billy (Nolan Fahey) and Mrs Wilkinson (Caitriona Murphy)
Warren Kimmel (Dad), Nolan Fahey (Billy) and Caitriona Murphy (Mrs Wilkinson)

Billy (Nolan Fahey) and the Ballet Girls
Billy (Nolan Fahey) and the Ballet Girls

Merry Christmas Maggie Thatcher
Merry Christmas Maggie Thatcher

 *All production photos in this article are by Arts Club Theatre Company (David Cooper)

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