
    Meet Billy Elliot: Hexagon Players (NJ)

    Hexagon Players (Mendham, NJ)

    Cast Information

    A production of Billy Elliot The Musical will take place at the Grace Lutheran Church in  Mendham, NJ from May 13-21, 2016.

    The cast will be led by two young actors who will be debuting in the role of Billy. They are Parker James Fullmore and James Ciccarelle

    James and Parker Rehearse The Letter Scene
    James and Parker Rehearse The Letter Scene

    Billy (Parker Fullmore), Mrs. Wilkinson (Monique Bosrock) & the Ballet Girls
    Billy (Parker Fullmore), Mrs. Wilkinson (Monique Bosrock) & the Ballet Girls

    The Cast of BETM at Hexagon Players
    The Cast of BETM at Hexagon Players

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