
    Meet Billy Elliot: Seacoast Repertory Theatre (Portsmouth, NH)

    Seacoast Repertory Theatre

    Cast Information

    The cast of the Seacoast Rep’s production of BETM was led by Liam Redford, a veteran Billy who has starred in two previous regional productions of BETM before taking the stage in the Seacoast Rep show.

    Billy (Liam Redford) and Michael (Burke Brickner ) Express Themselves
    Billy (Liam Redford), Mrs. Wilkinson (Andrea Lyons) and Dead Mum (Nicole Vander Laan) Perform “The Letter”

    Mrs. Wilkinson (Andrea Lyons) and the Ballet Girls
    The Cast Performs “Merry Christmas, Maggie Thatcher”

    To Cast Information for All Billy Productions

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