
    Meet Billy Elliot: Verona Area Community Theater (WI)

     Verona Area Community Theater

    Cast Information

    The 57 member cast was led by Pete Pierantozzi, who made his debut in the title role of Billy Elliot.  

    Tony (Benjamin Johnson), Billy Elliot's (Pete Pierantozzi) brother, tells him to dance on the chair if he really loves dancing.
    Tony (Benjamin Johnson) shouts at Billy (Pete Pierantozzi) telling him to dance

    Ballet dancers crowd around Billy Elliot (Pete Pierantozzi) to find out if he got into the dance school.
    Billy (Pete Pierantozzi) and the Ballet Girls

    The miners and Billy Elliot (Pete Pierantozzi) sing "Once We Were Kings."
    The Miners and Billy Elliot (Pete Pierantozzi) sing “Once We Were Kings.”

    To Cast Information for All Billy Productions

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