Chicago, Illinois & Toronto, Canada
Billy Biographical Information
A total of eight boys played Billy in Chicago/Toronto. The originating Billy rotation in Chicago consisted of Tommy Batchelor, Giuseppe Bausilio, Cesar Corrales and J.P. Viernes. The final cast in Toronto included Marcus Pei, Myles Erlick, Ty Forhan and Julian Elia. Of the eight, five later moved on to other productions of Billy Elliot before “retiring” from the show.
The Chicago/Toronto Billy Profiles Index
Here are the profiles of the eight boys who played Billy in the Chicago and/or Toronto productions of the show. The index is in alphabetical order by the actor’s last name. To view a profile (bio) of a particular Billy, click on his name:
Batchelor | Bausilio | Corrales | Elia |
Erlick | Forhan | Pei | Viernes |
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