
    Meet Billy Elliot: The Croswell Opera House (Adrian, MI)

     Croswell Opera House (Adrian, MI)

    Billy Biographical Information

    Before auditions were held for the parts of Billy and Michael, the Croswell Opera House hosted a free dance and fitness camp for all boys interested in auditioning for these roles. The camp was held on eight consecutive Saturday mornings throughout January and February 2016 with the focus of building the boys’ strength and endurance, and also teaching them the dance styles required for the show.


    Credit: Photo by Lad Strayer

    Among the many boys who attended this camp were the two that were eventually chosen to play the role of Billy.  They are Landon Brimacombe and Cole Carrico.

    For the complete profiles of the Croswell Opera House Billys, click on their names (below their pictures):

     Landon Brimacombe Thumb2 Cole Carrico Thumb2


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